Back yard primeval |
The sun broke strongly through the fog this morning and made my garden all bright and fuzzy. Happily, it was warm enough to walk around and pull a few fir branches out of the shrubs, look at my camellias that are blooming two and three months early, and wonder again how many days of branch-breaking it will take to reduce all the blow-down to mulch.
The warm light in the warm-ish air showed off the bits of light red
Hamamellis Ruby Glow, Miscanthus Zebrinus |
and bright red
Coral bark A. palmatum |
and green
Viburnum cinnamomifolium |
and the fun shapes left from last year
Hydrangea Nikko Blue |
hanging on the fence like a memory of old friends.
Still love my garden. It's time to break out the pruning shears and get to work.
And more good news about my newish Corolla, Bunny—he carried home a bare-root Brooks Plum yesterday with not so much as an ear waggle of complaint.